Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 1-7 (question 1)

1). Is it possible to perceive others without, in some way, judging or categorizing them? If so, how? If not, how can we make the judgments we do make, more fair?

Absolutely! It is possible to perceive others without judging them or categorizing them. Do most people categorize and judge others without even knowing the other person? People do this all the time. I must say that it is difficult for the average person to not judge someone they know little about. Some can argue that automatic processing can be both beneficial to an individual but also do harm. If a woman is walking down a residential street in the middle of the night, then sees and individual approaching her wearing an all black hooded sweater, with a baseball cap, and black leather gloves on. Most women would admit they would be frightened and cross the street to avoid walking next to the mysterious individual on the sidewalk. Mindless processing makes people who have gone through a similar situation, act in defense; even though the mysterious man had no intentions of doing harm. It is possible to not judge others simply by becoming more mindful. “ When we act mindfully, we actively think about the world, creating new understandings rather then relying on old, (54).”  

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