Wednesday, May 13, 2009

3). Pick one other concept in the book that you feel needs further discussion?

One concept that I think needs a little more discussion is the concept of becoming a more responsible communicator. I feel that the book does a great job in stating that words can effect a person and are extremely important. The phrase, "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" is completely untrue. Words and phrases can, in some cases, cause more harm to a person then physical harm. I read once in a book about Jackie Robinson, who was the first black baseball player to play for major league baseball, that the reason why he died at such an early age was because of psychological effects. Jackie Robinson was said to still feel psychologically scared because of all the racist remarks he endured when joining the dodgers. The book also states that there are no rules to tell you the right or wrong things to say when communicating, but there are ways you can monitor yourself and ask yourself certain questions. I feel that it is essential for everyone to be effective communicators and that becoming more of a responsible communicator should be a necessity for all.

2). What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept/s that you found interesting?

There have been so many concepts throughout the book that have been both interesting and useful throughout this class. I’ve learned so much from rhetoric in ancient Greece to group communication concepts. I must say that my favorite chapter in the book, Thinking Through Communication, has to be chapter 6, Interpersonal communication. The study of interpersonal communication has intrigued me and also was the main reason why my major is Communication studies. “Our survival as social beings depends in large part on our interpersonal communication skills,” pg. 140. I really enjoyed reading about relational development stages and initiating stages in relationships. These concepts have helped me understand how relationships are created, maintained, or fail. These concepts have enlightened my thinking and passion towards the study of Interpersonal communication.

1). (Regarding Chapter 13) Which of the research methods listed in Table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which method would you choose to answer the question. Why?

Regarding one of the research methods for chapter 13, Ethnography has been one that has most intrigued me. Through performing ethnography, the researcher observes behavior in its natural setting. I believe being able to physically be present while performing research is essential for collecting valuable research. Even when collecting data from a particular research group, the researcher may go undercover to collect data. I feel that many researchers who want to physically want to be apart of their own research may choose an ethnographic approach. I think that an interesting research question that I would want to research would be, What are the communication practices of athletes during a baseball game. I feel that it would be both interesting and fun to be apart of this type of research. there are hundreds of ways baseball players communicate amongst each other. The method I would choose to answer my research question would be ethnography.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

April 29 May 2 ( Question #3 )

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that we have not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

One concept from the reading that I found to be interesting was the cultivation theory. The theory states that individuals come to accept the televised world as an accurate reflection of the real world pg. 306. The theory also states that it has long term affects. I thought this theory to be very interesting because it holds truth. Many people actually believe that what they see on television is an accurate representation on what the world is really like. People in different countries who might view American shows might believe that the shows are a representation on what goes on in American Society. The book also states that the images and representations are built up and in our minds throughout a long period of time like the dripping of limewater. I enjoyed reading about this concept.