Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb. 15 - 21 Question #2

2). Consider a well-known speaker, for example, the current President of the United States. What is the speaker's strongest characteristics as a speaker? Is it credibility, attractiveness, power or all three? In what ways could the speaker build ethos in these areas? 

I believe that credibility, attractiveness, and power are some of the strongest characteristics that our current president of the United States has. Although he has had little time thus far to prove himself as a credible President, his credentials and qualifications have given him some credibility. Attractiveness also is a strong characteristic. Some older friends have compared him to former president Kennedy on how he is young and attractive. Lastly, power is also a characteristic of President Obama. The role of Commander and Chief and the power to help or declare war is a major power our president has. Cognitive Complexity is also a major characteristic that our president holds. I believe that in the area of “power” ethos could help arouse more emotions and motivate people. If our president wanted to go to war, ethos would help when gaining the public’s approval. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the current president has demonstrated ethos in many of his speeches to the public and in his demeanor. Further, the power he holds now as the President makes people listen more to his messages and how it might affect them. Throughout the presidential election Obama was criticized for lacking experience, and this affected his credibility. I think that is something that he still has to prove. Although there were many more experienced candidates, Obama was able to overcome his lack of credibility with his attractiveness. By that I mean his ability to relate to people of all races and classes.
