Friday, April 17, 2009

April 12-18 (question 3)

3). Pick one concept from the assigned reading, that we have no already discussed, that you found useful or interesting, and discuss it.

Interpersonal communication is one of my favorite subfields of communication. One of the concepts I found interesting was the many characteristics of Dyadic communication. According to the book, Dyadic communication when compared to other subfields of communication, is direct, personal, spontaneous and informal (141). There is no escaping from Dyadic’s characteristics such as its directness. Also, Dyad communication is much more immediate. I have a boss who can talk forever! I sometimes look dazed and confused because his conversations go off on strange tangents. He immediately can sense my confusion because of Dyadic communication and because the quality of feedback is high. Dyadic communication is also described as spontaneous. Compared to public speakers, Dyadic communicator aren’t reading off a prompter or from a piece of paper. Members of dyads very rarely outline or rehears what they say to one another. I enjoyed reading chapter 6 and learning about the many characteristics of Dyadic communication.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wfredo,

    I myself like dyadic communication because it is simple and like you wrote, direct, personal, and informal. When a conversation is just between two people, there is so much room for trust and spontaneity. When the conversation or a relationship becomes more than 2, it gets really complicated in that someone always has to be jealous or sad that they were accidentally left out of something. I sometimes feel like three is just not a good number for any kind of group. In dyadic communication, it's just you and the other person, you listen they talk and vice versa. You don't have to worry about the other person getting a chance to talk or not. But although a relationship or communication with more than 2 people can be complicated, it can also be fun.

    Signing Out,
    Events Dreamer
