Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 29 - May 2 ( question 1 )

1). Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from f2f relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?

Computer mediated communication has revolutionized the way we live our lives. I use the Internet to keep in touch with family members in in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and all over the United States. It is an awesome way to keep in contact with far away friends and family. Unfortunately, I have never created a relationship with someone through cyberspace. Most of the people I know on cyberspace are either family or friends that I have met prior to communicating in cyberspace. One of the main reasons why I haven't attempted to find friends on cyberspace is probably because there is no line of sight. You cant see someones physical characteristics online and if you do, there is a big chance they could be fake. It is so easy for someone to fake their appearance online so that they can get others online to speak with them. This is both scary and wrong; which is why I haven't formed any friendships through the Internet

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